Albums Of All Time?
Here are some albums I enjoy a lot!
TOOL - Lateralus (2001)

My current favorite album! I think it is so cool. It's about consciousness and transcendence and weird math and it rules. No other music makes me feel like Tool does. The title track is my favorite song also. Spiral out... keep going........
genre: prog metal
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Fishing for Fishies (2019)

This one makes me very happy. I like every track on here. The melodies are fun and catchy, every song is unique while also contributing to make a cohesive whole, and there's even thematic consistency in the lyrics! And I love the darker turn it takes towards the end.
genre: bluesy rock
Elder - Dead Roots Stirring (2011)

A great album to put on when you're sad and need commiseration from long, brooding, slightly-psychedelic guitar solos. Or if you just want to sink into the vibe. "III" is one of my favorite songs of all time.
(Note: I was recently informed that I'm insane for thinking this is "vibe-out music." Well, give it a listen and see for yourself if you agree...)
genre: stoner rock
Tally Hall - Good & Evil (2011)

I had this brief phase in like... 2020 or something? Where I would just put this album on repeat all the time. It's strangely addictive. I still am not entirely sure what all the lyrics mean. I guess that's Tally Hall for you. Hard to pick a favorite track, but "Never Meant to Know" is the one I think about the most.
genre: alt rock
PVRIS - White Noise (2016)

An old favorite. Though PVRIS's sophomore album is probably technically better, this one still kicks ass. Angry pop punk perfection!
genre: pop punk
Ricky Montgomery - Montgomery Ricky (2016)

Ricky Montgomery went viral on TikTok in 2020 for some reason, but this is one of the very few instances where I can say: I liked that thing before it was cool!! I discovered Montgomery completely randomly through a recommended song on Spotify around 2017, when this album was pretty obscure. I think it does a great job of conveying wistful emotions, and the songs are really catchy. "Snow" will always be the track that hits hardest for me, even though it wasn't one of the viral hits.
genre: indie/alt/folk(?) pop
Sŵnami - Sŵnami (2015)

I had a really hardcore Welsh-language rock music phase in 2017, and this is still probably my favorite album I discovered during that phase. I still have all the lyrics to "Trwmgwsg" memorized, even though I don't speak Welsh.
genre: pop rock
Fall Out Boy - Save Rock and Roll (2013)

A classic. To me. This is the album you have to thank for all those early-2010s AMVs. Catchy, indulgent, theatrical fun!
genre: pop punk/emo
MUNA - About U (2017)

Emotions!! Vibes!!! This just has it all. I'd put this in the sort of "lesbian yearning" genre of music (iykyk), but unfortunately MUNA is the only band in that vein that really clicks with me.
genre: alt pop
Radiohead - The Bends (1995)

It was a toss-up between this and In Rainbows. Ultimately, The Bends is one of those rare albums where I love every song. Those melodic motifs... the melancholy vibe... I don't know if anyone realizes this, but Radiohead is pretty cool, guys.
genre: alt rock
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms, and Lava (2022)

King Gizz get another place on the favorite albums list because they're my favorite band. Only just stopping myself from adding Polygondwanaland & Nonagon Infinity. This album made me lose my mind when it came out, so it goes on here. Did you know that Gizz made a song in the Locrian mode about a star that will destroy Earth in 1.29 million years???
genre: prog psych jazz rock?
Paramore - Brand New Eyes (2009)

I can't believe I only discovered this album recently, because it rocks so hard. I think this is Paramore at their best. Each individual song stands out, while contributing to a cohesive yet diverse whole. Ridiculously catchy too!
genre: pop punk
Rise Against - Appeal to Reason (2008)

Another old favorite. I think this was the album that finally made me stop listening to solely pop music. It's pretty neat!
genre: punk
I feel like I should have a rule against putting albums on here that came out within a year of writing this, so please expect Måneskin's RUSH and Olivia Rodrigo's GUTS to appear here later if I decide they have enough staying power for it.