An untitled, unfinished slice-of-life paranormal romance novel set in a "cozy" post-apocalyptic future. The story revolved around Timothy, a man cursed to sprout mushrooms on any surface he touches, and Pentralys, an extradimensional eldritch being who must continually possess others' bodies in order to physically manifest themself on earth. Timothy agrees to act as a host to Pentralys, and thus begins a very slow-burn romance between them...
I wrote about 60k words of this before I finally accepted that I am not the sort of person who can write without a comprehensive outline. Were I to return to this story, I'd probably have to rewrite the entire thing. Maybe one day I'll do something more with it, but for now, here's some art!
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Alexis. His whole thing is that he likes to do "knight" cosplay.
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Ruka and Alexis
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Ruka develops wings after having too close contact with the Voidspawn