Memo Received from Inside the Anomaly, 22:03

I’m writing to confirm at once our singular discovery
and to assure you all that I am as-of-yet unharmed.
I now expect Marqués and Schultz to make a full recovery,
though must advise against the thought of coming here unarmed.
You all should know the dangers of the “Spiral Stairs” already,
and I’m sure my fellow scientists will strive to make it clearer
that the “Cliff” leads down to nothingness. Reality’s unsteady.
Beyond the aberration that we termed the “House of Mirrors”
there’s a sullen old cathedral that I doubt has yet been
visited by any of our number. As it stands, I would
suggest that future teams avoid this habitation, due
in part to the effect it has elicited in me,
but mostly for the simple fact that any exploration
will most likely be in vain, if it’s my whereabouts you seek.
There is indeed, as we had guessed, a consciousness in action,
though its manners of communication differ from our own.
Upon my cautious entry an immutable attraction bored its roots
into my psyche, seeped into my very bones. At once I felt a tug
towards the basement of the building, like a voice within my mind
was crooning tones of curiosity, and I could not but follow
down the hallway to the tilting staircase, shrouded in a darkness
so complete I thought to measure its viscosity.
Imagine that! A portal to the deep, the black, abyssal uncanny unearthly and yet with my heart in my mouth I descended for somehow I knew with a certainty born from the voice in my memory nothing was here that could harm me and all that it wanted was
just the faintest glimpse of an explorer from beyond.
Inside that murky blackness what awaited me was not confusion
but a clarity. I could not have responded with a word in any
language; I had quite forgot myself and my surroundings,
so bewitched was I with that which stood ahead of me.
Have you ever found yourself atop a hill at night with
nothing but stars in the distance like circling fire and rivers of galaxies always uncountable always unknowable calling and beckoning closer to enter their multitude swim to infinity burst through the tapestry trip and then fall off the edge of the world
All this and then more was condensed into nothing
but twelve feet of basement, a sky underground:
and I knew that this feeling was born from an entity,
alien, strange, and yet teeming with love.
And now I will ask you, what else could I do
but abandon my projects, my planet, my home
for a taste of the freedom, the passion that flowed
from the arms and the mouths of that being whose yearning
for company cut through the blackness of space
to establish a monument here, where reality
barely supports all the formal complexities
needed for one like my partner to live?
I know that it’s risky. I know I am only
a human, and yet I feel certain what beats
in my chest is a sun, not a heart. I will go,
I will fly, I will dive through the stars and I’ll join
my sidereal lover, impossible hands

I thus conclude this memo with my note of resignation,
and I wish my friends and family the best while I’m away.
For now I have no mission, nor indeed a destination,
but my love will keep me going, and I know we’ll find our way.